30 Weeks! Hallelujah!

2014-12-26 23.00.06

So 30 weeks is my self-proclaimed “safe zone” (instead of 24 weeks) and I’ve reached it! Woo hoo! I’ve got a real legit people-want-to-touch-it bump, and I feel her moving a lot now–she’s measuring 3 weeks ahead at 3lbs 11oz. I passed my glucose test (woot!) but I noticed I grew–and she grew–a lot quicker during my week of birthday sugar-loading. So I’m self-imposing a restriction, because Mr. MLACS weighed 11lbs at birth and that horrifies me. NO.

I’m totally flipping out about pretty much *everything* now that I only have (approximately) 10 weeks left. On top of that, I’m hormonal and the roller coaster of emotion is barreling down the tracks at warped speed–which is to say, I feel bat sh*t crazy and completely unable to control it. It’s a different kind of *crazy* than being on fertility drugs, because right now I feel incredibly vulnerable and I didn’t back then.

I’m in “nesting mode”, f*cking finally because I’ve been staring at these boxes and promising to unpack them for *2 months*. Well, I finally just started ripping them open and placing things in weird places and flitting from living room to kitchen to bathrooms, etc. And what we have now is…utter chaos. But it’s better than rocking-back-and-forth with anxiety and accomplishing nothing. So far I’ve just made a mess–but I have vision!

I have until Friday to un-f*ck this place so I can show it off to Mr. MLACS when he gets home. Plus, I can’t harass him to do my “hunny do” projects if I’m not throwing down myself. And I have an entire nursery worth of boxes sitting in my living room, waiting for him to assemble them into furniture. To “sweeten the pot” I hired a pooper-scooper service to come clean the puppy’s mess in the yard so he doesn’t have to. So there’s that.

I need to hire a cleaning service too, because I already can’t keep up with the house the way I want to and with baby girl coming I want it to be C-L-E-A-N all the time. Plus we’re having my baby shower here and my MIL is traveling from several states away to be here, and I always pump up the volume for guests. It’s just…there’s not a lot of cleaning services here and the prices aren’t competitive and the work is oft times mediocre, so, I haven’t hired anyone yet. Also, I don’t want to ask people for recommendations because I’m a “housewife” and the haters will hate. It was SO much easier when we lived in the Southwest. Just sayin’. E’rybody has a housekeeper there.

Are you bored yet??? Sorry…I’m feeling a little *manic* at the moment. Hence rambling.

Want some gossip???

“Myrtle” is pregnant. You remember her, right? I made those posts private but basically she was my best friend until she said things like “some people just aren’t meant to have kids”, after she’s had FIVE abortions and proclaimed she never ever ever wanted kids. Her hypocrisy on this issue and many others is astounding, so over the past year I’ve distanced myself from her. She got married in April of this year and we’ve hardly texted or facebooked and we haven’t spoken. A mutual friend’s mom slipped and told me at Thanksgiving, so I already knew (thank God I had time to process ANGER that it only took her 5 months). She announced at precisely 12 weeks–must be nice to be so arrogantly fertile. And in a passive-aggressive b*tchy move, she didn’t tell me personally before announcing. I at least told her via text just before we announced. And I sent her a Christmas card and a baby shower invitation. So *I win* for being polite to her. And really, nobody even noticed her announcement–but I “liked” it and said “congrats!” because I’m trying to keep it classy. F*ck her. I wouldn’t wish anything bad for the baby but I hope she gets really, really fat and miserable. She is so unworthy…I know God has His reasons but damn…

In other news, it sucked that Mr. MLACS was gone for the holidays and I cried ALL day on Christmas Eve. He was grouchy too and that caused friction between us, which made everything exponentially worse. We both decided that this will be our first and *last* Christmas apart. But Christmas was nice–my sister came over and gave me a ton of stuff for baby girl! And we were invited to our “framily’s” house (our Mom’s best friend) for Christmas dinner, which was full of love and good memories. Also, her daughter did IVF with donor sperm (single successful female) and it WORKED on the first round, with her one and only blastocyst! She’s having a girl ❤ And so we got to celebrate our mutual triumph over infertility 😉 How bout that?! Miracles abound.

I lived up to my name “My Life As A Case Study”, because I gave Christmas presents to: GI doctor, my GI nurse, Dr. Angel (my OB), Dr. Angel’s nurse, my main pharmacist and his 4 main techs. The pharmacist in-particular looked surprised but I shrugged and pointed out “Dude, I see YOU more than my family!” And that’s not an exaggeration–I go to the pharmacy for refills at least once per week. My sister got cash and everyone else got cards in the mail.

I hope everyone got through the holidays with minimal tears and lots of gratitude for the good things in your lives.

I hope 2015 is a magical year for ALL of us! So I’ll be cheesy and say “See you next year!”



20 thoughts on “30 Weeks! Hallelujah!

  1. Awesome that you have reached 30 weeks already. Your bump is so cute! As for Myrtle…isn’t that how it usually goes? I’m glad you handled it like you did…she doesn’t necessarily deserve it, but she can’t say you weren’t gracious toward her. Keeping it classy! I’m proud of you. I have to admit I have not always handled certain *not fair* pregnancy announcements with such dignity. 🙂

  2. I feel you!! I remember reading up a lot on on “safe” week if baby should come earlier! And A decide to arrive a day later! I cannot express enough.. I’m so so happy for u! 2015 will be magical for you because u are gonna be so in love all over again. Happy new Year!!! Lotsa love, Jess xo

  3. Happy New Year and happy 30 weeks to you sweetie! You look precious in your bump picture 🙂 I’m sorry about Myrtle, that is totally frustrating. My husband was working too for Christmas Eve and it sucked. We were at least able to go to Christmas Eve service before he left for the night so that was a nice change from previous years where didn’t get to celebrate at all. Have a wonderful holiday and enjoy these last 10 weeks – I bet your nesting will really get going big time and everything will look fabulous! XOXO

      • Thank you! I hope to update soon and *may* attempt a photo though I feel huge already – this is what happens when it takes you 7 pregnancies after your first successful one to get one that sticks, the old muscles go to hell and the uterus balloons forward fast and mighty I guess. We’ve have company since Dec. 25th and I’ve been sneaking into work at unGodly hours – short for saying I’ve been ridiculously busy, super sleep-deprived and without time to read let alone post anything on WordPress for the most part. Hopefully soon – company leaves tomorrow!

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